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Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Our Cataractathon has been a great success so far, we've examined dozens of people and performed numerous operations and we still have another week to go. This short film is just a sample of what we are doing all day long for two weeks. Time really seems to fly when you're doing something so important for people. What most people don't understand is that so much of the world's blindness is preventable and curable now. Central America's political unrest continues as does the blindness rates for now. We're passing on our techniques and machinery but the real continuing cost is basic supplies for the patients. We volunteer our service while counting on donations from private citizens. Sight Surgery International
is a charitable organization that organizes and implements sight-restoring surgery clinics throughout the developing world, serving populations where blindness from cataracts is a scourge.

Current estimates are that cataracts blind over 25,000,000 people worldwide.If those people had access to a simple operation, their eyesight could be easily restored.

Cataract surgery is a safe, predictable, and life transforming procedure performed in less than 30 minutes under local anesthetic.The sheer magnitude of the need for blindness remediation, coupled with such a simple and inexpensive solution, has catalyzed the SSI team to refine a truly responsive solution.

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